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  • Writer's pictureHealth Reform Wellness

You Are What You Think...


A thought is just a thought is just a thought. Or is it?

A thought is actually the first step in a cascade of who we ultimately are or become. When we have a thought one of two things happens. Either we process and dismiss it or we hold onto it and foster and nurture it. When the latter happens our thoughts then move up the cascade and then start becoming feelings, or feelings start being associated with the thoughts we are having. With each step the thought is being strengthened. If we foster and nurture the feelings associated with the thought it then prompts us to action. And if we have enough of the same actions over time it becomes our behaviour and essentially who we are.

For example: you are driving down the road and someone cuts you off -

THOUGHT - "Are you blind!? You nearly caused an accident. I can't believe you are so careless!"

A little bit further down the road someones else wiggles their way in front of you and this time it's not just a thought -

FEELING - frustration, anger, impatience,

If now a pedestrian decides to cross the road just in front of you, and you barely miss them, your feelings of frustration and anger now become -

ACTION - shouting, moaning, complaining, maybe some inappropriate gestures

If this happens regularly you will find that you end up skipping the thought stage and your feelings send you straight into action subconsciously. This is now a programmed response, ie. behaviour, and behaviour is who we are.

Sometimes we find ourselves being people we never thought we were. This often starts with a thought.

It's a true personal victory when we gain mastery over our thoughts. If we can take charge over our thoughts and in those moments make the decision NOT to foster or nurture thoughts that will lead to negative feelings and actions, we set ourselves in the way for building strong, positive minds, feelings and behaviours or essentially, our character.

When we deliberately choose which thoughts are allowed to proceed to feelings and actions we are actively choosing who we become.

What thoughts do you think?


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