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  • Writer's pictureHealth Reform Wellness

WHAT! No Snacking?!

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Rest Between Meals


Can you imagine if you never had time off work? Or if your boss insisted you worked 24/7? At some point you would collapse from exhaustion and overwork. None of us would ever even consider such a thing much less be happy about it. Well our dear stomachs are no different. They are incredible machines that need time to rest and recover in order to operate efficiently. After working hard to digest our meal we should avoid eating anything for at least 5 hours until our next meal. This allows our stomach to digest well and to have time to regain its strength to be ready to adequately digest our next meal. To continuously be eating throughout the day (snacking) puts an unnecessary load on our stomachs that they often cannot bare. This process starts a cascade of detrimental effects on our system. When the stomach is unable to bare the load alone it calls in help from our brain. If this becomes a consistent way of life we exhaust our brains and rob them of the vitality necessary to function and soon the overloaded brain starts becoming depressed.


Making a small change, like allowing enough time between meals without snacking, will protect our stomachs and keep our brains clear, sharp and vibrant. Not to mention the added benefit of potentially losing some weight.....

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