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  • Writer's pictureHealth Reform Wellness

Empty Tummy, Sound Sleep

Sleep is one of the fundamental pillars of health. If we don't get enough sleep the whole body and mind suffer.

One of the things that directly impacts our quality of sleep is whether we have an empty stomach or not when we go to bed. Our bodies are like factories and thus should also have standard operating hours so that when knock-off time comes all our organs get to rest. We should be giving a minimum of 3 hours but preferably 4 hours for digestion before bedtime. When we eat too late, or close to bedtime, our stomachs have not had enough time to digest our food and thus they are burdened with the dichotomy of what to do now. They need to rest but they can't until the stomach is empty. As a result people can often experience light and disrupted sleep, acid reflux, and even small amounts of food coming back up. These interruptions prevent the body and mind from getting the rest they require to function optimally.

Planning is key. With life being so busy, just taking a little bit of time to plan and prep our meals ahead of time will allow us to eat earlier so that we can go to bed with empty stomachs and thereby giving our bodies and minds the best opportunity to wake up refreshed and ready for the new day.

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